My Weight Loss Journey Begins

Just over six weeks ago, I rejoined Weight Watchers after many years away due to medical issues.

The last time I joined Weight Watchers, I have to admit, I didn’t really change a lot about how I ate. I still ate pre-packaged foods, and things that weren’t really great for me, I just found ways to get the most out of my points. And at the time, it worked, but it didn’t change my eating habits, which is probably why I regained so much more weight.

This time around, I’m changing everything about how I eat. I ‘m eatingย few pre-packaged foods and concentrating more on eating fresh, whole foods. I am also staying away from the low fat, no fat, sugar-free foods which are loaded with things that are probably not any better for me than their high fat counterparts. I’ve also cut back significantly on things like potatoes, pastas, bread, and rice…all staples of my former diet.

So far, I’m not feeling significantly better, but as of Monday (my weekly weigh in day), I have lost 17.1 pounds, so I feel like I’m doing well. That being said, I have 118.9 to go until I reach my goal, so I have a long journey ahead of me. I still need to get more active, I’ve been doing it gradually, but I’ve started, and that is what is important.

Part of the reason I started blogging, other than to share some of the things I love, was to also share my weight loss journey, and to keep me inspired so that I don’t get discouraged along the way.


Published by Kate

I love my fur baby, books, tea, and crafts.

8 thoughts on “My Weight Loss Journey Begins

  1. Way to go! I cut sugar, bread, pasta, potato chips and basically all junk food out of my diet too. I feel so much better, more energy, less headaches. Keep at it! ๐Ÿ˜€


      1. Mine too. When I first went low carb it was really hard to resist the cravings. It really is a lot easier now – I have even been able to bake from scratch for my family without feeling tempted at all. Every pound I lose gets me that much more focused and energized!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s great! I hope I can reach that point, because bread is my weakness. It’s easy as long as I keep it out of the house, and I live alone, so that’s not a problem. It’s when I’m not eating at home that it will be a temptation.


  3. That’s terrific! I wish you much success on your journey to lose weight. We can support each other! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have been debating for some time now whether or not I should try Weight Watchers. But I’m not sure if converting all that food into points day in and day out is something I can stick with long-term. Let me now how it goes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I will let you know how it goes. I find it much easier now that Weight Watchers has apps to help you track your foods. It’s so much easier converting and tracking points now than it used to be when you had to look them up in a book, or use the little slider thing they used to give you. But that was before they had online options…and typing that makes me feel really old. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  4. You are doing great on your journey … I am about to embark on my new plan myself and have quite a bit to lose also ! Good luck ๐Ÿ€

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